How to add a font to openoffice windows 10
How to add a font to openoffice windows 10

how to add a font to openoffice windows 10 how to add a font to openoffice windows 10

I didn't need to extract the files from the 7-Zip program after all. The first one went into the icon of the drive of the thumb drive, the second went into the documents folder. I did make one mistake and it was fortunate that I had downloaded two fonts.

how to add a font to openoffice windows 10

Along the way, I learned so much! I also was unsure where on my thumb drive to store documents as I had previously only used it for photos which is a separate folder. My problem is solved and my OpenOffice brochure now has its old look. Maybe it was accidentally deleted from the OpenOffice v.4 package. If OpenOffice installs its own fonts (which it very well might) and this isn't a licensing issue, there's a good chance you can get it back by downloading an older version of OpenOffice and extracting the fonts folder only. If you can use that font in a Wordpad document, then it still exists on your computer, and we'd need to know the name. Windows XP has a program called Wordpad that allows rich-text formatting. Without the font name, I don't know if we'll be able to answer this definitively, but you might be able to find it for us if it still exists on your computer. The only thing I can think of that might cause that to happen in OpenOffice (since it's free) is if the font was no longer licensed as free to use. In addition, font functionality is generally not removed during an upgrade. Orangehues, can you please confirm the only change between the font was available and the font disappeared was an OpenOffice upgrade?ĮBSchrader is right: Fonts tend to be managed by the operating system not the publishing software.

How to add a font to openoffice windows 10